The history of cocktails

The history of the Cosmopolitan cocktail

The history of the Cosmopolitan cocktail dates back to the 1970s but it became more popular in the 1990s. Its original recipe included vodka, triple sec, lime juice and cranberry. The recipe has evolved over the years and can vary by region and bartender preference.

The Cosmopolitan gained popularity in New York in the 1990s, where it was often ordered in the city's trendy bars. But it wasn't until the 2000s that the cocktail became famous worldwide, thanks to its appearance in the TV series "Sex and the City". Carrie Bradshaw's character, played by Sarah Jessica Parker, was often seen sipping a Cosmopolitan in Manhattan bars, which helped popularise the cocktail among fans of the show and the public.

Discover the Cosmopolitan recipe by Eyguebelle 

Enjoy !

The history of the Spritz cocktail

The story of this famous Italian cocktail dates back to the time of Austrian rule in Italy. At that time, Austrian soldiers stationed in Italy used to drink local wine, but it was too strong for them. In order to dilute it, they asked the taverns to "sprinkle" - spritzen in German - the wines with water. The first Spritz was born. 

The Italians quickly adopted this habit, adding white wine and sparkling water to their own wine to create a similar light and refreshing drink. 

Over time, the drink became very popular and different versions of the cocktail were created and served in elegant stemmed glasses with a slice of orange or olive for garnish.

To twist your spritz, replace the traditional sparkling water by our Eyguebelle Tonic syrup.

The history of the Gin Tonic

The origin of the Gin Tonic cocktail dates back to the British colonial in India in the 18th century. The British in India used to drink "tonic water", a quinine-based drink mixed with soda water and used to treat malaria. It tasted extremely bitter, so the British soldiers there decided to add gin and sugar to make it more delicious. The Gin Tonic was born!  

The Gin tonic recipe has evolved over time, and many variations and flavour combinations have been created.  

When should I drink gin? There's no time to drink gin! And plenty of occasions to enjoy it! As an aperitif, dry or on the rocks, in a cocktail (long drink or shaker), Gin will whet your appetite before a meal.

Discover our version, the Mediterranean Gin Tonic. 

  • 4cl of Aelred Gin  
  • 1.5cl of Eyguebelle Tonic Syrup  
  • 12cl of tonic water  
  • 3 slices of cucumber  
  • Garnish with rosemary or basil   

Pour the ingredients into a glass filled with ice, finish with tonic water. Using a bar spoon, gently stir the cocktail. Garnish with cucumber, rosemary, and serve. 

The history of Daiquiri

The famous Daiquiri cocktail was born in the town of Daiquiri, located near Santiago de Cuba. In 1898, an American engineer named Jennings Cox was short of gin for his guests. He improvised by mixing rum, freshly squeezed lime juice, and sugar, thus creating the very first Daiquiri cocktail.  

The cocktail quickly became popular, in part thanks to the contribution of the American literary legend, Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway, a great lover of cocktails, fell in love with the Daiquiri during his stays in Cuba. He even developed a special version known as the "Daiquiri Hemingway" or "Papa Doble," which included grapefruit juice and maraschino liqueur.  

Discover the Daiquiri by Eyguebelle 

Pour all the ingredients into a cocktail shaker tin. Fill with ice cubes and shake vigorously for 10 seconds. Garnish with mint leaves, toasted almonds, cloves, ginger, and lime wedges. Enjoy!  

The history of the Mojito cocktail

The mojito is the emblematic cocktail of Cuba. There are several theories about the birth of the mojito. The most famous one is linked to Francis Drake, an unfriendly English privateer nicknamed El Draque (the Dragon). In the midest of a war with Spain, England sent Drake to pillage the Spanish colonies, including Cuba in 1586. It was in Cuba that Drake discovered tafia, a brandy made from sugar cane. He added sugar and mint, a plant known to sailors to combat nausea, and the ancestor of the mojito was born.  

The mojito was then quickly exported to the United States, in particular to Miami, which is close to Cuba, and it was in the 1990s that the mojito became popular in Europe.  Composed of rum, sugar, sparkling water, lemon, mint leaves and topped with crushed ice, the mojito quickly became the essential summer aperitif.  There are many versions: strawberry mojito, raspberry mojito... or the Virgin Mojito, without alcohol.  

The history of the Moscow Mule

A cocktail is also a witness to history with a big H. 

Vodka became very popular in Russia from the 15th century onwards, particularly with the creation of the first taverns, places of conviviality and interaction. The Russian revolution of 1917 forced the population to migrate to the West of the continent or to the United States, which allowed vodka to become known in other countries. 

New cocktails were then created with this alcohol from elsewhere, notably the Moscow Mule in 1941.

According to legend, John G. Martin, the man who made vodka popular in the United States, and his partner Jack Morgan, a ginger beer producer, were looking to sell their stocks. So they came up with the idea of mixing the two spirits in a surprising cocktail, with a twist of lime and some ice. Traditionally served in a copper cup, this cocktail immediately charmed the Americans and soon to the whole world. 

Discover the Moscow Mule recipe by Eyguebelle 

What is your favourite cocktail ?