Our responsible approaches

Histoire & Savoir-faire

Limiting our environmental impact

We work on the product with recyclable packaging in a responsible way.

The glass bottle:

  • Neutral and safe material for the consumer (no migration in the product)
  • 100% recyclable: glass is infinitely recyclable and is one of the best recycled materials in France
  • Eco-designed: the weight is reduced to the minimum necessary to limit the use of natural resources and the amount of waste

The aluminium cap:

  • 100% recyclable: aluminium is infinitely recyclable

The label:

  • Adhesive labels with recycled backing
  • Use of inks that are not harmful to health
  • It includes sorting instructions to raise our customers’ awareness

The syrup:

It is a concentrated product so a 1L bottle of pure syrup can make up to 10 litres of drink. This means less waste is produced and less environmental impact during transport compared to a “ready-to-drink” drink.

The steps taken internally limit the impact of our organisation on the environment.

  • Thanks to waste sorting, in 2019, more than 87% of the waste produced by our company was recycled. This is a collective effort and we are proud to contribute at our level
  • By making our staff aware of environmental issues
  • By optimising water and energy consumption.

Favouring local partnerships

We support the economic fabric of our region and we work as much as possible with regional actors: local producers, service providers and equipment suppliers. We also have partnerships with schools and tourist and cultural sites in the region (partnerships with hotel schools, apprentice training centre, associations, festivals, etc.).

Giving meaning to work

Committed to human, ethical and environmental values, our company implements measures to give meaning to work.

Here are a few examples:

  • Paper recycling with Fibrec. When we were asked to install a Fibrec column for recycling office paper, we didn’t hesitate. Resulting from a local initiative, promoting professional integration and financially supporting two associations that help children, this solution allows us to combine the environment with the ethical and social values that we hold close.
  • The recycling of cigarette butts. Aware that cigarette butts too often thrown on the ground pollute our planet, we have joined forces with Ecomégot to collect and recycle cigarette butts on our Valaurie site. Since our employees play the game, we go even further by using posters to make visitors aware of the need to throw their cigarette butts into the ashtrays on site.
  • Donations of products at the end of their life. In order not to waste and to make as many people as possible benefit, our syrups approaching the MDD (Minimum Durability Date) that can no longer be sold are donated to charities such as the Food Banks.